Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Daily Hump: Caterpillar

Our word caterpillar is first recorded in English in 1440 in the form catyrpel. Catyr, the first part of catyrpel, may indicate the existence of an English word *cater, meaning "tomcat," otherwise attested only in caterwaul. Cater would be cognate with Middle High German kater and Dutch kater. The latter part of catyrpel seems to have become associated with the word piller, "plunderer"...[from AHD: emphasis mine]See? Even our modern day spelling hints to the caterpillar's intrinsic malevolence. Madame Speaker (if that is your real name), I rest my case.
caterpillar [AHD]
caterpillar [Online Etymology Dictionary]
caterpillar [OED]
caterpillar [Wikipedia]
Italian surnames [Italy World Club]
Labels: Dutch, Latin, Middle High German, Old French, The Daily Hump
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Daily Hump: Sibyl Disobedience
My name is Humpty, pronounced with a Umpty.
Yo ladies, oh how I like to hump thee.

Diana: Did you know there are a number of psychics working as licensed brokers on Wall Street? Some of them counsel their clients by use of Tarot cards. They're all pretty successful, even in a bear market and selling short. I met one of them a couple of weeks ago and thought of doing a show around her -- The Wayward Witch of Wall Street, something like that...Her name, aptly enough, is Sibyl. Sybil the Soothsayer.sibyl [AHD]
sibyl [Online Etymology Dictionary]
Sibyl [OED]
Cybill Shepherd [IMDB]
Labels: Attic, Doric, Greek, Latin, Middle English, Old French, The Daily Hump
Monday, January 29, 2007
The Daily Hump: Don't Mind the Praying Mantis

Moving on...mantis is Greek for "seer" and as the AHD notes
the Greeks, who made the connection between the upraised front legs of a mantis waiting for its prey and the hands of a prophet in prayer, used the name mantis to mean “the praying mantis.” This word and sense were picked up in Modern Latin and from there came into English, being first recorded in 1658. Once we know the origin of the term mantis, we realize that the species names praying mantis and Mantis religiosa are a bit redundant.In addition, the word is directly related to the suffix -mancy (as in necromancy). The Greek mantis is from the verb mainesthai, meaning "to be inspired", which is in turn related to menos, "passion, spirit." This is the source of our word mania. All of these forms derive from the Proto-Indo-European *men-, "to think, to have one's mind aroused, rage, be furious", which is the root of our English word mind.
mantis [Online Etymology Dictionary]
praying mantis [Wikipedia]
Labels: Greek, Latin, PIE, The Daily Hump
Friday, January 26, 2007
Hump This: Maelstrom

I'm a Viking princess and am leading a fleet of longships on an RPP* raid of an idyllic Christian village of peasant farmers. However, my friend Thorvald the Berserker warned me of some nasty maelstrom action off the coast of Norway. What's up with maelstrom? Sounds Dutch.AM, how right you are! Maelstrom, which has become a generic term for a large whirlpool or turbulent situation, started off life as a proper noun on Dutch maps of the 17th (or possibly 16th) century and referred to a massive whirlpool in the Arctic Ocean off the Lofoten Islands of Norway**. The first definitive use of maelstrom is from a 1673 book written by a pastor living in the Faroes, but despite what those tricky Faroese would have you believe the word is of Dutch origin, literally meaning "grinding-stream." The first element mael, comes from the Dutch verb malen, meaning "to grind" and is the root of our modern English word meal.

If you have a word you'd like humped please email it, along with your location, to wordhumper.
*RPP: Rape, pillage, plunder - a favorite Viking pasttime
**The Lofotens also happen to be home of the village of Å, which is my favorite name for a town anywhere in the world.
maelstrom [OED]
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Language Family Map
The Daily Hump: Sneeze

is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the nose and mouth. This air can reach speeds of 70 m/s (250 km/h or 155 MPH). Sneezes spread disease by producing infectious droplets that are 0.5 to 5 µm in diameter, about 40,000 such droplets can be produced by a single sneeze.The word traces back to the Old English fneosan, which is from the proto-Germanic *fneusanan (which is likely of imitative origin). From this base we see similarities in Middle Dutch, Dutch (fniezen - "to sneeze"), Old Norse (fnysa - "to snort"), and Swedish (nysa - "to sneeze"). As the Online Etymology Dictionary notes
the [English] forms in sn- appear 1490s; change may be due to a misreading of fn-, or from [an Old Norse] influence. But OED suggests [the Middle English] fnese had been reduced to simple nese by early 15c., and sneeze is a "strengthened form" of this, "assisted by its phonetic appropriateness."Regardless up until around 1400 c. English had the words fnese (sneeze), fnast (breathe) and neeze, which is still used to mean sneeze in a number of Scandinavian, northern Irish English and north England regional dialects. You may find it interesting to note that fnese and fnast make up the OED's entire contingent of words beginning with fn-.
*"To sneeze at" first attested to in 1806.
Sneezing [Wikipedia]
Labels: Dutch, Middle Dutch, Middle English, Old English, Old Norse, Proto-Germanic, Swedish, The Daily Hump
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Daily Hump: Cinch
The idea comes from one of cinch's many definitions: "A firm or secure hold" (OED). Cinch's sense of facility is an American invention, and a relatively recent one at that, first making an appearance around 1898. The word cinch originally referred to the girth of a saddle and came from the Spanish cincha, also meaning "girdle." The Spanish came from the Latin cingulum ("girdle" again) which came from the Latin verb cingere, meaning "to surround, encircle." And this can be traced back even further to the Proto-Indo-European base *kenk- meaning "to gird, encircle." Related words include precinct, succinct and, interestingly, shingles ("The inflammation often extends around the middle of the body, like a girdle.").
cinch [AHD]
cinch [Online Etymology Dictionary]
cinch [OED]
Labels: Latin, PIE, Spanish, The Daily Hump
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Daily Hump: Humping Quasimodo
Homer: (running into the church) Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Reverend Lovejoy: Why did I teach him that word?

Quasimodo's name is a pun. Frollo finds him on the cathedrals doorsteps on Quasimodo Sunday, and names him after the holiday, inadvertedly calling him "half-formed."Quasimodo Sunday is the first Sunday after Easter, recently designated in 2000 as Divine Mercy Sunday by Pope John Paul II. As Wikipedia notes
The name Quasimodo came from the Latin text of the traditional Introit (opening blessing) for this day, which begins "Quasi modo geniti infantes..." ("As newborn babes...", from the First Epistle of Peter 2:2). Literally, quasi modo means "in the manner of [i.e. newborn babes]".Quasi modo Wordhumper hump.
Quasimodo [Wikipedia]
Quasimodo Sunday [Wikipedia]
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) [IMDB]
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939) [IMDB]
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame [Amazon]
Labels: French, Latin, The Daily Hump
Humpback Flashback
Which former head of Global Wealth Management at a major New York bank is leaving his wife and two kids for a talking head on a major financial news network?In the spirit of this juicy blind item why don't you revisit one of WH's more popular entries: cuckold.
Labels: Humpback Flashback
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Daily Hump: Schwa

schwa [Wikipedia]
niqqud [Wikipedia]
schwa [AHD]
sheva [OED]
Labels: Hebrew, Syriac, The Daily Hump
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Daily Hump: Minx

Minikin should not be confused with the Jewish surname Minkin. Minkin is likely an alteration of Mencken or Menken which themselves are likely alterations of Menahem who you may remember from the Hebrew Bible as one of the more colorful kings of Israel who, per II Kings 15:16, had a fondness for giving abortions: "He sacked Tiphsah and ripped open all the pregnant women."
Wow...I just humped myself. Word.
UPDATE: Interestingly, Minkin is also an extinct Australian Aboriginal language. Ooga booga.
minx [Online Etymology Dictionary]
minx [AHD]
minikin [AHD]
minikin [OED]
minx [OED]
Menahem [Wikipedia]
List of Jewish surnames [Wikipedia]
II Kings 15:16 [Biblegateway.com]
Minkin (language) [Wikipedia]
Labels: Hebrew, Middle Dutch, Minkin, The Daily Hump
Thursday, January 18, 2007
WordHumper EXCLUSIVE!!!

The Daily Hump: Bleach
Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the Humpty Hump.

Yes, folks, bleach and black are likely from the same root. As the Online Etymology Dictionary notes the connection between blanche, blank, bleak and blink seems to be "burning, blazing, shining, whiteness." The burning and blazing aspect is what's important because that's also the likely link between bleach and black. "That the same root yielded words for 'black' and 'white' is probably because both are colorless, and perhaps because both are associated with burning." Okay then.
Before you go some more fodder for your noggin: according to the AHD bleachers (like those ass-hurting things you used to sit on at high school pep rallies) were so named because it's a comparison of "a person's exposure to the sun when sitting on them with the exposure of linens bleaching on a clothesline." The Online Etymology Dictionary disputes this etymology however saying bleachers "were so-named because the boards were bleached by the sun." The OED doesn't weigh in on the issue so I'm going to have to go with the Online Etymology Dictionary on this one. The AHD etymology is just stoopid.
Labels: Old English, PIE, Proto-Germanic, The Daily Hump
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Daily Hump: Witch Hazel

So, there ya have it: for better or for worse there is nothing diabolical about the powers of witch hazel.
witch hazel [Online Etymology Dictionary]
vicarious [Online Etymology Dictionary]
witch, wych, n3 [OED]
witch hazel [AHD]
Wych elm [Wikipedia]
Labels: Old English, PIE, Proto-Germanic, The Daily Hump
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Daily Hump: Hibernation in the Himalaya

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate.This process most often occurs in animals during the winter months, thus it should be of little surprise that the English word comes from a verb meaning "to winter", the Latin hibenare.
The Latin form is from the Proto-Indo-European root *gheim- meaning "snow" or "winter". The Sanskrit hima, meaning "snow", is also from this PIE root and gives us the name of Earth's highest mountain range, the Himalaya, which literally translates to "abode of snow". As a point of trivia there are a few animals which hibernate in the Himalaya and thus doubly rely on the *gheim- root; these include the Himalayan marmot and both the brown and black bear.
hibernation [Online Etymology Dictionary]
Himalaya [Online Etmology Dictionary]
Labels: Latin, PIE, Sanskrit, The Daily Hump
Monday, January 15, 2007
WordHumper EXCLUSIVE!!!

Update: "EXCLUSIVE" is a joke, people! Cool your jets...
Friday, January 12, 2007
Hump This: Tampon

Talk to me about tampons. Why aren't they called vagina plugs?You'll need to thank the French that when Cap'n Bloodsnatch comes to town you're not rifling through your purse searching for a "vagina plug". But don't thank them too much because as it happens tampon actually means "plug" in Middle French. Similarly, we have a word in English tampion which is the plug or cover one uses for a muzzle of a gun or cannon to keep out the moisture.
And next time you saddle up to the bar for a pint keep this in mind: tampon can ultimately be traced back to the Proto-Germanic *tappon meaning "stopper, faucet", which happens to be the ancestor of our modern English word tap.
Hey, barkeep, I'll have a Red Stripe.
If you have a word you'd like humped please email it, along with your location, to wordhumper.
tap [Online Etymology Dictionary]
tampion [Online Etymology Dictionary]
tampion [AHD]
tampon [AHD]
Tampontification Euphemisms [Seventh Generation]
Labels: Hump This, Middle French, Proto-Germanic
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Daily Hump: Hey Taxi!
Unbeknownst to many a New Yorker the word taxi is actually a shortened form of taximeter cab, which is a vehicle first introduced in London in 1907. Basically, a taxi is defined as a car-for-hire that charges based on a taximeter rate, the taximeter being an "automatic meter to record the distance and fare" invented in Germany in the late 19th century. Taximeter is simply tax + meter, tax coming from the Latin taxare meaning, among other things, to "evaluate, estimate, assess, handle."

tax [Online Etymology Dictionary]
taxi [Online Etymology Dictionary]
tangent [Wikipedia]
Labels: Latin, The Daily Hump
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Guest Hump: Ait

Check out: Home Ground: Language for an American Landscape
Interested in guest humping? Send WH an email.
Labels: Guest Hump, Old English
The Daily Hump: Cozy

English also has a word gemutlich (with or without umlaut) which is from zie Germans and is generally defined as "pleasant and friendly" (possibly first used as an adjective in English by Queen Victoria). In German a gemütlich person or place is one that obeys the philosphy of Gemütlichkeit, which goes beyond the English concept of coziness in its level of abstractness:
...rather than basically just describing a place as not too large, well-heated and nicely furnished (a cosy room, a cosy flat), Gemütlichkeit connotes, much more than cosiness, the notion of belonging, social acceptance, cheerfulness, the absence of anything hectic and the spending of quality time in a place as described above...A gemütlich person...is one that takes part in this lifestyle and knows about the tensions he/she is able to cause, and thus tries to avoid these things actively.This idea of avoiding tension in one's enviroment suggests a similarity to Chinese feng shui, although I'd argue the Taoist-inspired art would likely be focused much more on passive rather than active avoidance. This being said, we do see fairly analagous ideas to Gemütlichkeit in other parts of northern Europe including the Dutch gezelligheid, the Danish hygge and the Russian уют.
From an anthropological perspective it'd be interesting to examine whether cultures from warmer climates maintain any sort of concept of cozy.
cozy [Online Etymology Dictionary]
cozy [OED]
gemütlich [OED]
Gemütlichkeit [Wikipedia]
Gezelligheid [Wikipedia]
Labels: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Old Norse, Russian, The Daily Hump
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Mercaptan! Mercaptan!

Sturcken said that the odor could have been caused by mercaptan, the chemical added to normally odorless natural gas to make it easily detectable, but he added, "Nothing has been confirmed."

And if yesterday's smell was familiar, get this: the notorious asparagus pee effect is caused from the breakdown of mercaptan. According to Take Our Word For It
Mercaptans are found in onions, skunks, rotten eggs, and farts! And, of course, asparagus. One source says that humans can detect the odor of mercaptans at 0.02 parts per billion. If correct that is quite astounding.It looks like Take Our Word For It forgot to include one thing in its list of places where we find mercaptan: New Jersey.
Thiol [Wikipedia]
Mercaptan [AHD]
Labels: Danish, German, Medieval Latin
The Daily Hump: Pimple

And in case you're curious the origin of zit, which was first recorded in use around 1966, is completly unknown.
pimple [AHD]
papule [AHD]
pimple [OED]
zit [Online Etymology Dictionary]
Labels: Latin, Old English, The Daily Hump
Monday, January 08, 2007
The Daily Hump: Labyrinth

Anyway, in honor of the movie I've decided to hump labyrinth. The word harkens back to the Greek (laburinthos) myth of the minotaur, the half man/half bull who roamed the Minoan maze eating young Athenian sacrifices. The etymological trail goes a bit cold once we look beyond Greek; it is thought labyrinth may be related to the Lydian labrys meaning "double-edged axe." In the Minoan culture this was a symbol of royal power and as the Online Etymology Dictionary notes this "fits with the theory that the labyrinth was originally the royal Minoan palace on Crete and meant 'palace of the double-axe'."
As an FYI labyrinth and maze should not be used interchangeably:
...a maze is a tour puzzle in the form of a complex branching passage, with choices of path and direction, while a single-path ("unicursal") labyrinth has only a single, Eulerian path to the centre. A labyrinth has an unambiguous through-route to the centre and back and is not designed to be difficult to navigate.labyrinth [Wikipedia]

Labels: Greek, Lydian, The Daily Hump
Friday, January 05, 2007
Gaeilge, sea?
In Galway, I went out busking on the streets, singing the filthiest, most debauched lyrics I could think of to see if anyone would understand. No one did - old women smiled, tapping their feet merrily, as I serenaded them with filth.(Thanks for the link, Mo!)
Labels: Irish Gaelic
Hump This: Sham
Second, a big dis to tickets.com. I was on your site at 8:55 this morning waiting for 9AM when the Arcade Fire tickets were to go on sale. I refreshed my browser tirelessly figuring I could score just 2 tickets to one of the 5 shows the AF were playing. Ten minutes later all the shows were sold out. You can't tell me that all these NYU brats/hipsters were up at 9AM buying tickets. I don't buy it. Thus, I dis you.
Now on to the humpage--

What's up with sham? Bed shams, pillow shams, and Sham the thoroughbred who placed second to Secretariat in the 1973 Kentucky Derby. That horse was a sham! I lost big money!Calm down, Esse! The AHD gives one definition of sham as "A decorative cover made to simulate an article of household linen and used over or in place of it." This sense of "simulation" is what connects say pillow sham to the sham which defines a state of deceitfulness and fakery.
Sham, which first appears as slang (in both noun and verb forms) around 1677, quickly came into frequent use. The word is of curious origin. Both the AHD and the Online Etymology Dictionary suggest sham is a northern dialectal form of shame. The OED disputes this idea, however, noting that although this theory is plausible "the alleged origin does not seem to account satisfactorily for the sense in the early examples."
If you have a word you'd like humped please email it, along with your location, to wordhumper.
UPDATE: I guess I won't be getting AF tix anytime soon. (Thanks for the link, A)
Labels: Hump This
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Today's Hump Alert!!! comes to us courtesy of Gawker which writes:
A few years ago, when the Brazilian bikini wax craze first hit, we dutifully trekked to our local salon and subjected ourselves to the excruciatingly painful defenestration process.Defenestration comes from the prefix de- meaning "out of the..." plus the Latin fenestra, meaning "window." In my opinion waxers must be a bit warped by the sheer nature of their job, but I'm sure waxers who throw their clients out the window are just fucked in the head.
UPDATE: Now the post reads "deforestation"--literally wrong but at least now it relays a more correct image, however disturbing.
Labels: Hump Alert, Latin
The Daily Hump: Bowel Movement

bowel [AHD]
botulism [Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders]
Justinus Kerner [Wikipedia]
Labels: Latin, The Daily Hump
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
How much do you know about tossers?
In an attempt to extend its understanding of the roots of some popular words and phrases in the nation's vocabulary, the [OED] is seeking public help...Viewers will be asked to trawl through unpublished papers, old magazines and even dated postcards to find earlier appearances of words including "wally," "wassock" and "tosser" than those examples already cited in the dictionary.(Thanks for the link, F!)
The Daily Hump: Clumsy

Clumsy is a fascinating little word that oft gets overlooked by your Word-of-the-Day vocabinistas. It's the adjective form of a now obsolete verb clumse, which in Middle English meant "to become stiff or numb with cold" or in transitive form "to stupify." Given the Scandinavian climate it's not surprising to discover this word is of Old Norse origin, descending from the verb klumsa, "to make motionless."
Here's where it gets cool (pun most-certainly intended): per the OED
The [Old Norse] stem klum- is in ablaut relation to klam- in [the English] clam...the radical notion being that of ‘confinement, constraint, constriction’, which, in this group, is [especially] referred to the stiffening action of cold.For you non-linguists in the crowd "ablaut relation" has nothing to do with your fat Uncle Otto from Germany; rather, it simply refers to vowel changes common in words of Indo-European origin, the classic example being sing, sang, sung. Also, it's important to point out that to "clam up", meaning to not speak, is an American construction from 1916 and is not related to the idea of confinement as described above.
clumsy [OED]
clumse [OED]
clam [Online Etymology Dictionary]
ablaut [Wikipedia]
Labels: Middle English, Old Norse, The Daily Hump
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The Daily Hump: Smitten

Smite comes to us via Old English, Proto-Germanic and quite possibly the Proto-Indo-European base *(s)mei-, meaning (somewhat disturbingly) "to smear or rub". In the Germanic languages the early sense of smite seems to be focused on throwing. As the Online Etymology Dictionary notes, the Biblical sense of the word, as in "to slay", doesn't start showing up until around 1200 CE. Smitten, in the sense of love, is a relatively recent concoction, making its linguistic debut in 1663: "Lord Chesterfield..is..put away from Court upon the score of his lady's having smitten the Duke of Yorke" (from the Diary of Samuel Pepys, as written Jan 1, 1663--happy 344th birthday, Smitten; my apologies for being a day late but it was New Year's Day and I was hungover. You understand.)
So next time you beat, strike, throw, smear or rub your lover just remember this is all part of being smitten and, by definition, is expected.
smite [OED]
Labels: Old English, PIE, Proto-Germanic, The Daily Hump