Friday, March 23, 2007
The Daily Hump: Zorro

Zorro is the masculine form of the Spanish zorra "fox". It first made its appearance in English in 1838, but it wasn't until 1919 that Johnston McCulley created the Robin Hood-like character who went on to disrobe Catherine Zeta Jones to her skivvies in the 1998 movie The Mask of Zorro. Interestingly, Cathy Z appeared in 2001's America's Sweethearts with Hank Azaria, azaria being the original Basque root of zarra.

I can still hum that damn song.
zorro [Online Etymology Dictionary]
Zorro [Wikipedia]
Zorro [Lemon 64]
E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) [The Simpsons Archive]
Labels: Basque, Spanish, The Daily Hump
:: posted by David, 8:03 AM
Yes, Mr. Azaria did voice Zorro in that episode, according to the IMDB.