Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The Daily Hump: A Warm Beltane

The related Old Irish beltene is from belo-te(p)niâ
where the first element belo- is a cognate with the English word bale (as in bale-fire), the Anglo-Saxon bael, and also the Lithuanian baltas, meaning 'white' or 'shining' and from which the Baltic Sea takes its name.The second element may be from the Old Irish ten "fire" (thus Beltene would be "bright fire"). This element is from Proto-Indo-European *tepnos, which is related to Latin tepidus "warm".
Beltane [OED]
Beltane [Wikipedia]
Beltane [Online Etymology Dictionary]
Labels: Anglo-Saxon, Gaelic, Latin, Lithuanian, Lowland Scots, Old Irish, PIE, The Daily Hump
:: posted by David, 8:03 AM
Do they really run around with cat masks on? Creeeeepy.