Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Looks like I've got some competition...

"Bucket" is pushing aside other business-speak such as silo and basket as the favorite term for describing categories or organizational units.Check out the image on the right--they even used one of those classic WSJ sketches. Dow Jones, don't bogart the crazy pills! All of this reminds me of that Wayne's World sketch with Bruce Willis from back in the day:
Wayne:...Well, if you don't mean my being so bold, Rick, are you ready to unveil the new cool word for the school year? [ to camera ] I should explain something, alright? Last year, Rick's new cool word was "pail", or "bucket".. as in, "So what did you think of the new substitute teacher?" "I think he's 'pail', he's 'bucket'!" And, Rick? Rick, this year the new cool word is..? Go, Garth, go!Business Types Get a New Kick Out of the 'Bucket' [WSJ.com] (login required)
[ Garth pounds on the couch as though it were a drum ]
Rick: The word is.. [ thinking ] ..Sphincter.
SNL: Bruce Willis 09/30/89 [Saturday Night Live Transcripts]
:: posted by David, 10:35 AM
Wall Street Conversation:
"Well, Joe, I've got a bucket of money."
"Really Phil? I've got a bucket of money too!"
"That's great, Joe! Hey, let's go screw over a bucket of poor people and get more buckets of money!"
"Well, Joe, I've got a bucket of money."
"Really Phil? I've got a bucket of money too!"
"That's great, Joe! Hey, let's go screw over a bucket of poor people and get more buckets of money!"