Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Daily Hump: Falafel

Our word pepper is from this same root via the Old English pipor, Latin piper and Greek peperi.
pepper [AHD]
falafel [AHD]
pipal [AHD]
pepper [Online Etymology Dictionary]
sacred fig [Wikipedia]
Labels: Arabic, Greek, Latin, Old English, Sanskrit, The Daily Hump
:: posted by David, 8:01 AM
yummmy! I love food words.
There's a Moroccan restaurant downtown with Sublime Falafel. I always liked the stuff but now I know what it really tastes like. Talk about enlightenment.
There's a Moroccan restaurant downtown with Sublime Falafel. I always liked the stuff but now I know what it really tastes like. Talk about enlightenment.