Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Daily Hump: Pith Helmets and Pythons

And, no, *pithan- is not related to python, which is a Greek word named after the fabled serpent slain by Apollo near Delphi. Delphi's original name was Pytho, so named (possibly) because this is where the serpent rotted (the Greek verb meaning "to rot" is pythein). Per the OED
According to one form of the [Python] legend, the oracle originally belonged to or was guarded by the serpent, and, on the extermination of the latter, became the oracle of Apollo.pith [Online Etymology Dictionary]
pith helmet [Wikipedia]
West Germanic languages [Wikipedia]
python [OED]
python [Online Etymology Dictionary]
Python [Wikipedia]
Labels: Greek, Old English, The Daily Hump, West Germanic
:: posted by David, 8:01 AM
Sure thing! To pith something is to kill it by piercing its spinal cord. So, it goes along with the sense of pith meaning the "core" or "essential part." (The verb is relatively recent, from 1805)